- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 753
Dear co-owners!
In addition to the information provided on the agenda of the extraordinary general meeting of 04/07/2021, we provide a description of the solution and sketch drawings of metal-plastic energy-saving doors, windows, entrance groups of the first and second entrances.
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 862
on holding an extraordinary general meeting of condominiums "Florencii 5"
Dear co-owners!
We live in a wonderful place, the best house, today's photo in the ad is impressive! We want to put things in order in public places – insulate the house, make a modern and beautiful look with the involvement of the city.
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 1141
Dear residents!
Received bills for February 2021 for heating? Have you looked at the heat consumed by our house? So here:
Pay attention to 2 indicators:
- "Загальний обсяг спожитої теплової енергії 211,96570 ГКал";
- "Тариф ... 1 341.53 грн".
According to the indicators of our heat meter for heating in February 2021, we consumed 171.63678 GCal. The difference with the accrued indicators is approximately 40.33 GCal or 54 102.46 UAH, and this is for 28 full days of heating in February 2021!
Since the fraudulent actions of the monopolist "EURO-RECONSTRUCTION" LLC are repeated every month, we submit the information in an abbreviated form. We look ...
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 742
Dear neighbors, apartment owners!
We inform you that on March 21, 2021, we completed the final survey of apartment owners within 15 days after the extraordinary general meeting of the Florencii 5 condominium on March 6, 2021.
The results of voting on the agenda of the extraordinary general meeting are as follows (in the original language):
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 970
Dear co-owners!
We carry out online control of the movement of funds on the AJOAH account for February 2021.
We remind you that this opportunity is provided by the bank in which we are serviced, and the publication of such monthly statements on our website will allow anyone to conduct financial control of the AJOAH, around the clock and even in anonymous mode.
We click on the link below and enter our AJOAH code 41099140 in the EDRPOU / DRFO field and click on the SEARCH button.
The EDRPOU code can always be viewed from above (in the header) of any page of our site.
- House maintenance report from private entrepreneur "Balanchuk O.A." for February 2021
- Attention! An extraordinary general meeting of condominiums will be held on March 6, 2021!
- New convenient service in our house. Meet, postman!
- In January 2021, the link to the site for servicing the personal account of Euro-Reconstruction LLC changed again
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