- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 762
Dear residents, the executive director of the condominium "Florencii 5" Skydan Oleksandr Fedorovych (050444 25 31) reports:
1. To the attention of the house maintenance report from the private entrepreneur "Balanchuk O.A." for February 2021.
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 787
on holding an extraordinary general meeting AJOAH "Florencii 5"
Dear co-owners!
Association of co-owners of the apartment building "Florencii 5", 02002, Kyiv, st. Florencii, 5, informs about an extraordinary general meeting of co-owners of the house, which will be held on March 6, 2021 at 12:00 at the address Kyiv, st. Florencii, 5 (on the street, about 2 of our front door).
To participate in an extraordinary general meeting, co-owners must have an identity document (passport) with them.
For representatives of the co-owner – a document confirming the authority of the representative, drawn up in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of Ukraine. For co-owners who received ownership after 01/22/2020, in addition to a passport, you must have an extract from the state register with you.
Issues on the agenda of the extraordinary general meeting of the AJOAH "Florencii 5":
In a video message on the example of a well-known plot:
, or officially:
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 892
Dear residents!
We present a new convenient service in our house and only for our residents from Nova Poshta – postman.
What is it, for what?
This is an automatic branch of Nova Poshta in our entrance for receiving and sending parcels by the Nova Poshta service.
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 819
Dear residents!
In December 2020, not everyone succeeded in transferring the indicators of individual (apartment) hot water meters to Euro-Reconstruction LLC, the monopolist's website practically did not work.
Data on hot water consumption for January 2021 can be transferred in the updated personal account using this link.
Separately, we note that in this account you need to register again - indicate your mail, personal account and the amount of the last payment.
With people in mind,
Board AJOAH "Florencii 5"
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 834
Dear residents!
Received updated payment bills for January 2021 for heating? Have you looked at the heat consumed by our house? So here:
Pay attention to 2 indicators:
- "Загальний обсяг спожитої теплової енергії 236,426 ГКал";
- "Тариф ... 1 341.53 грн".
According to the indicators of our heat meter for heating in January 2021, we consumed 169.59564 GCal. The difference with the accrued indicators is approximately 66.83 GCal or 89 654.93 UAH, and this is for 31 full days of heating in January 2021!
Separately, we note that we were charged with heat for heating even more than we consumed in general for heating and heating hot water, by almost 3 %!
Later, we will work with the numbers above to calculate the amount of illegal charges specifically for 1 m2 of your apartment.
Based on the results of the last heating season, 19-20, we have already covered the scheme of legal deception of heat consumers by improper (unfair) distribution of heat for preparing hot water and for heating the house.
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