- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 1712
Dear neighbors, updated!
On our page in the social network facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Florencii5/) recently posted a photo material of one of the good entrances of the city of Chernygiv.
There are a lot of positive and not very comments under these photos, there is a comment from our neighbors - “It’s still very far from us before this ...”, and indeed, we are still far from it, unfortunately.
The board and not indifferent inhabitants of our house at their own expense and for their time do many good things for all of us, about which we have repeatedly covered on the pages of our site.
But there is such a person, with the efforts of which the good deeds of many residents are leveled, even sometimes they give up, why mess with and kill what is done for our common good?
Photos that speak for themselves:
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 1704
Dear neighbors, apartment owners!
We are pleased to inform you that on March 10, 2019, the survey of apartment owners was completed within 15 days after the February 23, 2019 meeting of the General Assembly of the congregation Florencii 5.
The general meeting was attended by 48 owners and in a written survey of 178 owners.
The voting results of the agenda of the general meeting are as follows (in the original language):
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 1819
Dear co-owners!
February 23, the general meeting of our condominium took place! It was hot, but there is something to be proud of:
- in the period established by law conducted a survey of co-owners of our house;
- the registration and counting of votes was carried out taking into account the square meters of each voter;
- protocol is made.
The Board plans to complete bureaucratic moments by 03/19/2019. We will soon publish the voting results.
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 1787
The results of the survey on the work of AJOAH for 2018
The Board of AJOAH allowed anonymously assessing the work of the AJOAH for 2018 in areas of work and making suggestions for its improvement.
This will allow you to adjust the work plans for the future, to determine priorities in the work of the condominiums, taking into account your requirements.
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