ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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Official telegram channel

The official telegram channel for conveniently informing co-owners and residents of our building about events in Florencii 5, decisions of city administrations, institutions and business entities that affect the life of our condominium - each of us.

Other useful information for our owners and residents will also be posted.


Dear co-owners!

February 23, the general meeting of our condominium took place! It was hot, but there is something to be proud of:

  • in the period established by law conducted a survey of co-owners of our house;
  • the registration and counting of votes was carried out taking into account the square meters of each voter;
  • protocol is made.

The Board plans to complete bureaucratic moments by 03/19/2019. We will soon publish the voting results.

We will immediately inform you on the sensitive issue of “taking our AJOAH participation in the competition of projects for the implementation of energy-efficient measures ... (program 70% to 30%) ... including using a loan without collateral, at a state bank”, the question is not on time (the question scored 64.5% of the minimum required lending – 66.6% of the votes).

At the same time, there are some representatives in our ranks (from among the residents and co-owners) who want to “boil” and “boil”. They carry out destructive "agitation" with the residents and co-owners and distort the real results of the work of the board of directors of our AJOAH. They spread rumors about a loan taken by OSMD and allegedly apartment owners lose the right to alienate their property, etc.

Why is all this done, what goals do these "guardians" set?

First of all. Just like that nothing happens in life, which means someone needs it.

Secondly. We were born, as AJOAH, in agony and it cost us considerable effort, just remember how we tried to steal several hundred square meters of our ancillary facilities. The court is still to come. Maybe someone has the task to "work" in the right direction?

Thirdly. At the general meeting, certain residents wanted to push through the “cunning” Regulation on the floor representatives with special powers and this board did not allow!

The Board does not yet know the true reasons for what is happening, but the names of those who interfered with the well-being of our community are well known.

The board, along with the overwhelming number of co-owners and residents of the house, are becoming increasingly hardened, we are sincerely grateful to all of you for supporting the condominiums, for not having allowed us to fail the general meeting, and for more important questions much more than 2/3 of the co-owners were given.


Board AJOAH "Florencii 5"

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