ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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Official telegram channel

The official telegram channel for conveniently informing co-owners and residents of our building about events in Florencii 5, decisions of city administrations, institutions and business entities that affect the life of our condominium - each of us.

Other useful information for our owners and residents will also be posted.


Dear co-owners and residents of the house!

Today there is an understanding of what happened, who is to blame and what to do to prevent the arbitrariness of the monopolist in the future. The role of enemies of condominiums and the price of "work" of provocateurs, who reappeared in all its glory.

In connection with the unprofessional and clumsy actions of the workers of "Kyivgas" on November 3, 2021, the apartments of the residents of the building № 5 on the Florencii street was cut off from gas.

On November 3, 2021, the gas company removed the gas meter for a "scheduled" inspection without a written (even oral) warning.

After forcing Kyivgas to open their closet with a gas meter and latches, to disconnect and backup (bypass) its supply, the board of condominiums saw the following picture:

Procedure for passing the gas meter removal for inspection:

1) The controller no later than one month before the deadline for the scheduled inspection of measuring equipment, informs the condominium by registered mail.

2) Removal of the common gas meter for inspection takes place in the presence of an official of the condominium. If it is necessary to unseal the meter, an act of unsealing the measuring equipment is drawn up, which is signed by the official of the condominium with fixing of the last indicators of the meter.

3) For the period of removal of the gas meter, for inspection, the GDS operator installs the gas meter from the exchange fund to read the volume of gas received by the residents of the house for accrual of payments.

Kyivgas employees did not perform the meter removal procedure in the manner prescribed by law. Kyivgas removed the meter and switched on the backup (bypass) gas supply line to the house. As it turned out, according to Kyivgas employees, the backup gas supply turned out to be inoperable. From the photo above we can conclude that Kyivgaz is telling us a lie.

We pay attention! AJOAH do not have access to a cabinet with gas equipment. Neither the residents of the house nor the board of condominiums have the authority to check anything in the closet, even to look at its contents. The entire area of ​​responsibility for the connection or backup gas supply (bypass), gas metering and the efficiency of the gas supply components lies solely with Kyivgas.

In order to relieve itself of the responsibility of taking care of the gas equipment and the process of safely removing the meter for inspection, Kyivgas has decided to shift responsibility for its own mess (most likely running air into the gas supply system to the house) to the management of the condominium. act of inspection of gas channels. In fact, the residents of the house have individual contracts with the gas supply company, which is obliged to service the gas equipment, as well as gas supply, metering and distribution lines. However, condominiums are not entitled to any inspections and maintenance of gas equipment and ventilation systems in the apartments of owners - such inspections and maintenance can be carried out only by licensed companies that operate on a commercial basis, ie can perform these works on a paid basis.

In the first days, the management of condominiums could not get a reasonable answer to questions from Kyivgas. And there were scattered answers to citizens' appeals, and even frankly false information.

Finally, we got a complete picture of what happened. Due to the fact that due to the negligence of Kyivgaz employees there is no gas in the house system, there is an emergency situation, because there is air in the gas pipeline system of the house (an example is known - the house explosion in Poznyaki), so it is necessary to withstand the procedure of safe gas connection - each occupant of the apartment must provide access to licensed workers to check the ventilation ducts and obtain a permit, which is transferred to the gas company, then, in the case of checking the entire riser, gas will be supplied in such a riser. That is, if in at least one apartment of the riser there is no inspection report, the gas will not be connected to the riser - according to gas safety standards. The Board of ACMHs organized such a survey in a short time at the lowest price on the market. Few apartments have not yet received acts. We will inform you about the progress of the connection of the house to the gas supply on the official website, follow.

It is important that this situation does not go unpunished. The condominium turned for help to the deputy Oles Malyarevich, who reported on the state of affairs with our house to the mayor of Kyiv Klitschko VV Some apartment owners have written personal complaints to the State Food and Consumer Service regarding non-compliance with the terms of the contract as gas consumers. Therefore, we ask you to file complaints about the clumsy and dangerous actions of Kyivgas employees to the authorized bodies. The ACMH Board prepared and sent an official letter to the head of Kyivgas with a request to provide comprehensive information about the accident in order to organize measures to prevent similar mistakes in the future.

Correction of the situation was complicated by the presence of a "fence" on access to the common corridors on the 8th, 9th and 13th floors of the 1st front. Ventilation surveyors did not have access to apartment calls and could not get to the apartments. The board understands the self-defense of the residents, but this is a violation of security standards. Residents of such floors are asked to ensure that the call buttons are taken to an accessible area of ​​the common areas of your floor. In addition, the board has repeatedly asked residents of such corridors to make call buttons in the accessible area so that the cleaner can fully perform their duties - to clean the corridors, but residents of any of these floors did not respond to the request. Please correct such obstacles as soon as possible.

Active condominiums, the board and concerned residents of the house are doing everything to speed up the resumption of gas supply to the house, we urge you to promote this.

Regarding the enemies of condominiums. In a difficult period of solving the problem of gas supply, in which the monopolist involved the condominium, the board and personally our Chairman were "torn" by people who are known for their destructive actions. The provocateurs appeared immediately, although we all know them ("all the same in the arena"), incited the residents of the house to sabotage, to obtain acts to quickly connect the house to the gas and correct the emergency situation. At the same time, the instigators of the sabotage were the first to inspect their apartments and received acts at a collective price of UAH 150. Those who failed to pass the collective examination in time and receive the act in a certain time, possibly inconvenient for themselves, or became victims of provocateurs, are forced to order an individual examination, which is significantly more expensive than the collective.

With such actions of some people the question arises "did such a situation occur in our house by chance?", Because the gas service and this type of work can be ordered by one of the owners ...

Additionally, a message to provocateurs, we repeat: your attempts to "shake" condominiums are insignificant!

Provocateurs lost a lawsuit against condominiums on a lawsuit in 2019, and also lost an appeal.

Moreover, among the provocateurs were non-payers of mandatory payments for the maintenance of the house and adjacent territory. Courts organized by condominiums against malicious defaulters have been won and come into force! There are already the first repayments of debts in court to the account of condominiums. Therefore, such resistance, draw conclusions ...

For each court decision, residents will be informed in a separate detailed article.

The court of first instance and the appeal against our ancillary premises, AJOAH "Florencii 5" won! The court decision came into force on November 8, 2021. The common property is returned to the ownership of condominiums! This is the most important thing! Therefore, the annual general meeting will address the issue of effective use of these premises in favor of condominiums. We are waiting for an offer.

Together we have the strength!

Thank you for understanding the circumstances of the world.

Board of AJOAH "Florencii 5"

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