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In life, many things are interconnected, sometimes it’s not obvious, but it’s so ...

Previously published materials on the feasibility of using the garbage chutes (you can look at the article here), now we are returning to this topic again, but from a different angle.

The quality of cleaning in our house does not suit anyone, apparently everyone has become witnesses of the untimely cleaning of the local area, delays in wet cleaning of common areas, and the like. Our cleaning lady deserves to be fired, but there are some but.

According to the terms of the contract, the cleaning lady cleans up, we pay a fixed salary approved at the General Meeting (hereinafter – GM) of the co-owners of 2017. Already in the spring of 2018, a contradiction arose – the salary does not suit the cleaning lady, and the quality of such “cleaning” does not suit us.

Such contradictions are solved simply – either terminate the contract, or change the conditions/volume/salary of cleaners. We can change the conditions or the amount of salary only at the GM of co-owners, which are planned to be held in December of this year.

We have been looking for other candidates for janitors since the summer, we meet with many and ... we don’t find the right candidate according to our criteria who would agree to our conditions.

Further worse. In early October 2018, the cleaner writes an application for dismissal, we ask you to fulfill your duties until being replaced by another employee, we activate the search for candidates. While the simple question of cleaning is becoming more and more problematic, we have not yet seen the exit.

Factors that influence the decision of candidates for employment as a cleaner:

  1. Common areas;
  2. Area of the local area;
  3. The presence of "adult" trees and shrubs;
  4. The presence of a valid garbage chute;
  5. Working conditions and temporary rest;
  6. Salary.

Let us add a few other external factors that do not provide us with an advantage in attracting a responsible cleaner to our house – this is the presence of many new buildings in our area, which also need to be staffed by responsible specialists in the housing sector. For new buildings, compared with us, such factors:

  1. If there are trees, they do not yet have large crowns, i.e. “debris” from them will be significantly less than from “adult” trees.
  2. There are no waste chutes, or they are “welded” and are not in use, which makes it possible to get rid of the extra-heavy work of raising and dragging full tanks;
  3. The area of house territories is usually much less than ours;
  4. The presence of "janitorial" rooms for equipment and recreation. 

Having made such an analysis of things in our house and house number 9 on the street. Florencii, the Board of AJOAH "Florencii 5" has come to the conclusion that we all need to realize that without creating certain conditions we cannot ensure a comfortable life for the inhabitants of our house, therefore there are specific proposals that we will advance for discussion and for further approval by all co-owners at the general meeting:

  1. Decommissioning ("brew") refuse chutes.
    Such a move will allow:
    1. Significantly improve the sanitary and hygienic state in the entrances, especially for 1-5 floors of the house;
    2. Refit and utilize the garbage collection rooms for storing inventory and the like;
    3. Significantly improve the working conditions of the cleaner (extraction and transportation of garbage* now – overwhelming heavy work, especially for women).
  1. Re-equip one room from a number of technically auxiliary premises for the “janitor’s”,
    what will allow:
    1. Significantly improve the working conditions of the cleaner (for keeping records and reports, rest in the winter period will be an opportunity to warm up);
    2. Store inventory, supplies, consumables that require storage in insulated premises - solvents, paints, etc.
  2. Revise the salary of a janitor – she must meet the realities and be competitive in the labor market.

Government programs, in particular on separate collection of garbage from the population, the prevention of infectious or "parasitic" diseases transmitted by the garbage chute "friends" - rodents and cockroaches, also encourage us to make the right decision - to disinfect and close the garbage disposal.

We are preparing for an open and honest discussion of complex issues for making informed decisions at the General Assembly of condominiums,

Board AJOAH "Florencii 5"

* – our Soviet waste collection system was built in Soviet times under a large trash can.

The tank itself was placed to receive debris in the floor, for the removal of which special fixtures and mechanisms for lifting and transporting were used.

Remember how it was?

Plot export tanks located on the street on the ramp. The Soviet-era garbage truck had the means of raising the tank from the ramp and installing it on its platform in exchange for an empty tank from the platform. Now there are no such garbage tanks, no means of lifting and transporting, no garbage trucks with means of seizing the tank. Now it’s all being dragged by a person ... As long as it is dragged ....

Now we use large trash bins, such as are given by the garbage collection company, and they are not suitable in their dimensions in terms of the size of the garbage bin. They do not have the necessary hooks, but there are other smaller tanks, but ...

So, in the house number 9 on the street. Florencii is already working on the use of the “halves”, and we know from our neighbors about the thefts of such tanks, since they are in demand in the private sector and farms. We live in such times ... Therefore, we believe that the "halves" tanks are also not a solution for us.

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