ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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Official telegram channel

The official telegram channel for conveniently informing co-owners and residents of our building about events in Florencii 5, decisions of city administrations, institutions and business entities that affect the life of our condominium - each of us.

Other useful information for our owners and residents will also be posted.


The life of the condominium continues!

On April 12 of this year, a meeting of the Board members and the assets of AJOAH took place with the applicants – co-owners of our house (statement from co-owner Prohorenko Zhanna Ivanivna, room 73, building number 5 on the street of Florencii, No. b/n from March 2019), who expressed their desire to get acquainted with the results (decisions taken) of the general meeting of condominiums that were held on February 23, 2019.

The meeting was in writing invited by Prokhorenko Zhanna Ivanovna (73), Chorna Liliya Vyacheslavivna (31), Semashko Oleksandr V. (26), Titarenko Katerina Sergievna (41), Yeliseyeva Svetlana Sergeevna (107), Sisonova Natalia Vasilievna (93), Pona Oleksandra O. (69), Andryushchenko Vera Vasylivna (65), Kovalchuk Viktoriya Ivanivna (71), Savchenko Eduard Oleksiyovych (38).

From the Board of AJOAH met Dronov Oleksandr Viktorovych, attended by the Chairman of the Board Savicheva Antonina Ivanivna, Vyshnevetskii Vadym Mykhailovych, Dyachkov Valerii Ivanovych and Mina Yanina Vadymivna.

The representatives of the Board explained to the applicants the essence of the answer (registration number 10/19 dated 02.04.2019) on the applicants' letter No. b/n from March 2019.

Applicants have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the original protocol of the general meeting and its annexes. The desire of Savchenko Eduard Oleksiyovych to photograph the originals of the executed documents was rejected by the Board, but the present applicants took the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the originals of all documents drawn up on the results of the general assembly of condominiums, which were held on February 23, 2019. It is stressed that authentic documents on the results of the general meeting of 02/22/2019 are posted on the official website of the "Florencii 5" condominiums, which can be accessed at any time by anyone. In addition, on an individual basis with the originals of these documents you can get acquainted with the Chairman of the Management Board.

Representatives of the Board provided applicants with general information on the current status of our home, the main problem areas of common property, and plans for eliminating critical issues, necessary measures for the construction of the adjacent territory, setting up the system in basements/attic premises, as well as general purpose premises for the involvement of co-owners/homeowners.

Regarding communications with the Board, in addition to electronic invoicing (as a rule, response takes a few hours), which are presented on this site and on the page of AJOAH in Facebook, the Board also provided free correspondence with AJOAH using the usual AJOAH account boxes, which are located on the first floors of our entrances. The response time for the treatment in this way is somewhat slower, but usually no more than 1 – 2 business days.

In addition to the questions raised at the meeting, the issues raised regarding the revision of financing for servicing our house were raised by the Board, which was explained to all the attendees at a meeting about the risks of reducing such financing and significantly higher target expenses in case of bringing the general networks and elevators to accidents and responsibility of those who incite co-owners to reduce the financing of preventive measures.

Regarding financial reporting on activities carried out by contractors - the board reports to the general public on a quarterly basis (see the report for the first quarter of this year at https://www.florencii5.com/index.php/en/329-financial-report-for-the-1st-quarter-of-2019, for debtors – https://www.florencii5.com/index.php/en/332-debtors-for-1-quarter-of-2019)! We ask that you familiarize yourself with such materials on AJOAH and electronic media boards (on the site and on the Facebook page).

Regarding official correspondence with the Board.

In accordance with the law, any written application to the Board of ACMHs requires timely processing and processing of the response! Of course, this requires a distraction from the urgent cases of the board members, who on a general basis (free of charge) provide the functioning of the house. In addition, correspondence is not free for our community, involving legal and technical advice, if necessary, will also require funding for ours with you. Maybe it's better to use money for a direct purpose, for the needs of the house? And not for an inexplicable need of an "activist"-interpreter?

To understand what is going on. In response to one letter-appeal from the funds of the condominiums was deducted only for postal services - 352.20 UAH. This is more than 1.5 hryvnia from each apartment in our house. And more paper, toner, depreciation, time, etc.

Savchenko Eduard Oleksiyovych came to the meeting prepared, brought the next letter... Therefore, they are forced to engage in other things than important to us all.

Edward, honestly, it would be better to send your energy in a constructive way, we have not solved the issue of the execution of documents required by all of us in the KSCA, there is a question of misuse of the adjoining territory, the court case still needs a lot of effort, consider, can rethink your role in favor community, publicly invite to do good! You can post comments here or on Facebook, we are open. Many residents write tips and suggestions, and you have some specialty, education and desire. Welcome!

That's it. We will keep everyone informed about the events.

In addition, we turn to all the co-owners and residents of the house, read the announcements on the information boards, sign up for online information from the page in the social network or the official site of the condominiums, visit the general meeting, participate in the discussion and work on issues that are really very important for all co-owners. for building our common home! Use modern electronic means of communicating with the assets of the condominiums, we are open and we have something to be proud of!

Your active life position is important for all condominiums, let's together make our accommodation more comfortable and better.

We look forward to understanding and helpful assistance. We would be grateful for the concrete proposals on the participation of applicants in the measures to bring order both on the adjoining territory and during other works in the technical premises of the house.

Thank you,

Board of the AJOAH "Florencii 5"

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