ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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Official telegram channel

The official telegram channel for conveniently informing co-owners and residents of our building about events in Florencii 5, decisions of city administrations, institutions and business entities that affect the life of our condominium - each of us.

Other useful information for our owners and residents will also be posted.


Dear neighbors, we inform!

You should be aware that since the beginning of the heating season from October 25, 2018, Euro-Reconstruction LLC has been supplying our thermal power station (CHP) to our house number 5 on Florencii street hot water in the supply pipe at an inadequate temperature, namely an average of +60°C.

According to the temperature schedule for the CHP, approved by the deputy mayor PA Panteleev, the temperature in the supply pipe should not be below +65°C.

Our heating unit can heat up at such violations from the side of Euro-Reconstruction LLC the water for heating and for supplying residents to apartments with a temperature not exceeding +40°C when leaving the heat supply unit.

It is important that residents who directly receive the service from Euro-Reconstruction LLC also protect their rights as follows:

  1. Each resident has the right to write in writing to the supplier of hot water services for heating Euro-Reconstruction LLC with the requirement to send an inspector to his apartment and draw up an Act of non-compliance with sanitary norms of the temperature in the apartment.
    With such an act, it is possible to require Euro-Reconstruction LLC to lead to sanitary norms of the temperature regime for heating and to require recalculation in the heating bill in November 2018 for providing inadequate quality heating service from Euro-Reconstruction LLC.
    Inform the Chairman of the Board Savicheva A.I. when will the inspector come to participate in the drafting of the Acts on inadequate heating services.
  2. It is also appropriate to call the hotline tel. 15-51 in the KSCA (which should monitor the heating suppliers for compliance with the temperature schedule approved by the deputy mayor Panteleev PA) and register a complaint for providing inadequate heating quality supplied by Euro-Reconstruction LLC.

Board AJOAH "Florencii 5"

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