ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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Photo report on the work done in preparation for the heating season 2018 – 2019.

Earlier we announced information about the work on the preparation for the heating season of 2018 - 2019 (see the announcement at this link).

The following work was carried out in the heat point.

Let's start informing about the maintenance of equipment that we inherited from the housing department - automatic circulation pumps:

Automation (cabinet 1) tested, adjusted and working:

Automation (cabinet 2) tested, adjusted and working:

New automatic equipment for adjusting the temperature of heating depending on the outdoor temperature has been acquired, installed, adjusted and is already working. This will save all of us funds for heating, when external factors allow us to do this, for example, short-term warming will affect the reduction in the use of thermal energy, and therefore we will pay less for heat.

This is how the temperature sensors look for our new automation:

At all key nodes of the heat point, new pressure gauges were installed. Also in the photo below is a repaired device for the mechanical regulation of the coolant supply, and a new electronic control device. These are the very devices of the heating system that save our money.

This instrument cluster is the heart of the circulation of hot water. Fully restored performance, installed 2 new pumps, new pressure measuring devices (all replaced in the heat point), new ball valves (all replaced in the heat point) and a new filter:

Water circulation unit in the heating system. 2 pumps repaired (replacement of seals and bearings), maintenance performed, new pressure measuring devices installed:

For the heating system for expansion tanks, an overpressure protection system, pressure control and stop valves are installed:

In our heat supply station, such new manometers are installed instead of old non-working ones, and additional, where necessary, also replaced old valves with new reliable ball valves:

A new automatics for saving requires debugging is installed, it will be done with the onset of cold weather, and therefore we apologize for possible fluctuations in the temperature of the radiators, we will try to minimize all inconveniences in this process.

Now about the works that are made in the attic of our house. At the most problematic places, the valves were replaced by the risers of the apartments of the 1st and 2nd parade. This will allow in the event of an accident to minimize the consequences, since the water supply is blocked for such valves instantly and reliably. It looks like this:

In the attic, in the basement and in the auxiliary premises of the 1st floor, much remains to be done, which we did not have time for this year; we will plan work for the next year to complete the replacement of all old cranes with reliable new ones.

The financial report on the modernization and automation of our heating unit, the cost of materials and work in the attic and heating unit will be prepared and submitted separately.

Do not forget to evaluate the work of the Board and set priorities for the work that you consider most important – this link.

Taking care of our well-being,

Board AJOAH "Florencii 5"

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