ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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Official telegram channel

The official telegram channel for conveniently informing co-owners and residents of our building about events in Florencii 5, decisions of city administrations, institutions and business entities that affect the life of our condominium - each of us.

Other useful information for our owners and residents will also be posted.


Dear residents!

Received updated payment bills for January 2021 for heating? Have you looked at the heat consumed by our house? So here:

Pay attention to 2 indicators:

  • "Загальний обсяг спожитої теплової енергії 236,426 ГКал";
  • "Тариф ... 1 341.53 грн".

According to the indicators of our heat meter for heating in January 2021, we consumed 169.59564 GCal. The difference with the accrued indicators is approximately 66.83 GCal or 89 654.93 UAH, and this is for 31 full days of heating in January 2021!

Separately, we note that we were charged with heat for heating even more than we consumed in general for heating and heating hot water, by almost 3 %!

Later, we will work with the numbers above to calculate the amount of illegal charges specifically for 1 m2 of your apartment.

Based on the results of the last heating season, 19-20, we have already covered the scheme of legal deception of heat consumers by improper (unfair) distribution of heat for preparing hot water and for heating the house.

We recorded a fraudulent scheme of stealing from co-owners, but then EURO-RECONSTRUCTION LLC, in response to our official request regarding the correct calculation of heat distribution, provided links to the state methodology that they legally applied to our home heating system.

It is unpromising to sue this state heat distribution scheme, because the board of condominiums in the summer of 2020, with the assistance of the executive director Skydan Oleksandr Fedorovych, resumed the operation of an additional certified heat meter (previously covered on the website, see the link: LLC "Euro-Reconstruction". Heating Plus formula), which takes into account the heat used to heat the house.

From the above, we draw conclusions and inform EURO-RECONSTRUCTION LLC that the implemented certified heat metering system in our house gives us every right to demand fair accounting of the consumed heat for heating our house, and in case of ignoring our legal requirements for heat metering – to file a claim against EURO-RECONSTRUCTION LLC for compensation of damages caused to us.

On this occasion, the board of condominiums has prepared another letter from EURO-RECONSTRUCTION LLC and the Kyiv City State Administration with the requirement to keep records of heat for heating in our house on the basis of a certified heat meter and asks each co-owner to support the fight against EURO-RECONSTRUCTION LLC and sign a collective appeal to the specified above the Society and the State Administration. The chairman of the condominium organizes the signing of an appeal on the first floors of the entrances of our house in the evening hours in the coming days. We fix the fraudulent actions of the monopolist and the cowardly inaction of the responsible inspectors of the Kyiv City State Administration – we appeal to Panteleev Petro Oleksandrovych!

We hope for your support and indifference, together we will restore justice and guaranteed to reduce the cost of heating in our payments!

As promised, since the beginning of the heating season 20-21, we publish monthly daily data on heat consumption in our house. Transparency in this matter will prevent abuse by dishonest suppliers of low-quality services – on the subcooled temperature of the coolant, its understated pressure and freedom to keep records and settlements in our bills.

Daily data on the temperature of the coolant, heat consumption for heating and for preparation of hot water in January 2021 are given at this link or below:

Take a look at the diagrams below that expose consumer stealing fraudulent practices:


Each of us for January 2021 overpays EURO-RECONSTRUCTION LLC 7.83 UAH for each m2 of your apartment, which is ATTENTION! more than 28.3 percent!

In addition, we provide standards for the temperature of the coolant (depending on the temperature of the external environment, that is, on the street), approved by officials of the State Administration of Kyiv (do not pay attention to the marks, they are made on the document for reasons unknown to us, the data must be taken in columns T1 and T2):

Respectfully all,

Board AJOAH "Florencii 5"

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