ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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Official telegram channel

The official telegram channel for conveniently informing co-owners and residents of our building about events in Florencii 5, decisions of city administrations, institutions and business entities that affect the life of our condominium - each of us.

Other useful information for our owners and residents will also be posted.


on holding an urgent extraordinary general meeting of AJOAH "Florencii 5"

Dear co-owners!

Association of co-owners of the apartment house "Florencii 5", 02002, Kyiv, st. Florencii, 5, announces the holding of an extraordinary extraordinary general meeting of co-owners of the house, which will be held on December 1, 2021 at 19:00 at the address: Kyiv, st. Florencii, 5 (on the street, near the 2nd front of our house).

To participate in the extraordinary general meeting, co-owners must have an identity document (passport).

Representatives of the co-owner – a document confirming the authority of the representative, executed in the manner prescribed by current legislation of Ukraine. For co-owners who received the right of ownership after 22.01.2020, in addition to the passport, it is necessary to have an extract from the state register.

The purpose of the meeting will be to give consent to the co-owners to conduct the 2nd stage of modernization of elevators (replacement of "electronics" in elevator cabinets, elevator cabins, call systems on the floors with the replacement of signal cable control systems).

The amount of repair is: 1 568 797 UAN:

5% (78 440 UAN) – at the expense of AJOAH;

95% (1 490 357 UAN) – at the expense of the city budget.

See additional materials on the bulletin boards of the 1st and 2nd entrances and on the official website.

The text of the draft Defective Act on material resources can be found at this link or below: 

The protocol can be signed up to 2100 01.12.2021.

We ask you to take an active part in the urgent extraordinary general meeting, this is for your comfort and safety!

Who can not on this day, Savicheva A.I. or board members will wait every day at the second entrance from 18.00 to 21.00 until Sunday 05.12.2021 inclusive.

We remind everyone of the familiar plot:

We pay special attention and ask the co-owners of our house during the general meeting to take into account the restrictions on quarantine for acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Kyiv, and to keep a safe distance of 1.5 meters and use protective masks!

For information, from the Charter of condominiums "Florencii 5":

Ст. 6 У загальних зборах мають право брати участь усі співвласники. Інтереси співвласника, який особисто не бере участі в зборах, може представляти його представник, який у такому разі має право голосувати від імені такого співвласника. Повноваження представника мають бути підтверджені нотаріально посвідченою довіреністю або довіреністю, посвідченою Головою Правління Об’єднання.

Board of AJOAH "Florencii 5"

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