ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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Official telegram channel

The official telegram channel for conveniently informing co-owners and residents of our building about events in Florencii 5, decisions of city administrations, institutions and business entities that affect the life of our condominium - each of us.

Other useful information for our owners and residents will also be posted.


DEAR NEIGHBORS, OWNERS of our house !!!

Recently, leaflets began to appear in our mailboxes, in which the asset and the Management Board of the AJOAH "Florencii 5" created by us are absolutely groundlessly vilified and communal housing and communal services are being promoted as a supplier of allegedly high-quality, and, allegedly, cheaper services for the maintenance of our home.

At the same time, people who are so zealously and zealously, and most importantly, groundlessly denigrate the Board of AJOAH and the idea of creating a condominium, are somehow "embarrassed" about their views and the libel they wrote, since they do not call their names, that is, act anonymously - in the best traditions of the classic "sovdepovskogo tapping."

Our Board, as an organ of economic support for the life of the house, has not even started its economic activity, but the anonymous people already know about our Board of AJOAH and quality services, the Board will not provide for sure, will steal (forgive, members of the Board) and abuse it in every possible way ...

Who are you, the unhappy "shy" comrades-guardians "for the housing office" prevented him from joining the Board? They could show their "competence", but also control the process. No, it's insulting people who spend their time, energy, money in the interests of all tenants and make nasty things quietly much easier.

In the management of our AJOAH owners of apartments are elected, to whom just as well as to each of you, it does not matter why he pays his money and nobody wants to pay extra. Therefore, the Board of our OSMD already now, having not yet taken a house from Ukrzhitloservice, has achieved from Mr. N. Prezlo. To return money to all tenants of our house for not provided since November 2016. To March 6, 2017. Service, namely - for non-working elevators in this period, which should be reflected in the payments for July of this year. (the corresponding information "REDARANCE" is posted).

In addition, at the moment the Board of our AJOAH conducted preliminary inventory of the equipment at home and revealed not only the loss of the heat and water meter, but also the absence of fire hoses. And now our Board is doing a lot of work to ensure that all the missing equipment was restored at the expense of Ukrzhitloservis or GUD, since the equipment was at the disposal of the balance-holder (Ukrzhitloservis, Mr. NM Prezlo), which was obliged to ensure its safety.

At the same time, since the creation of the AJOAH, none of the "mercenary" in terms of "anonymous activists" of the Board has received a penny of compensation, on the contrary, while the personal funds from the family budgets necessary for this work are spent (postal services, office, mobile and telephone Communication, keeping the AJOAH page in the social network and our site, transportation costs, etc.).
In May this year the GUD sent a letter to Mr. Klitschko V.V. About the transfer of all the houses of the DP "Ukrzhitoloservis" for servicing the city, for today this process is in the stage of processing the documents.

Since July 1, the decree of the KSCA №668 from June 06, 2017. Tariffs for maintenance of houses that are serviced by communal housing offices in Kyiv will be increased by one and a half to two times and for such a house as ours, the tariff of the housing office will be on average 6.43 UAH. for 1 m².

In our tariff (5,87 UAH.) Laid 0,20 cop. ON CAPITAL REPAIR AND RESERVE FUND 0,04 kopecks, and in the urban tariff of such articles does not exist.

All the benefits and subsidies the state compensates for the AJOAH, as well as the housing offices. AJOAH, as well as ZhEKi have the right to receive targeted financing from the CICA, if the city budget provides for such programs. And only the Board of the AJOAH, and not the Housing Committee, will be interested in getting our house included in such a program among the first. In addition, our condominium cooperates closely with MP Petrovets OF, who also has the opportunity to help AJOAH in solving certain economic problems.

A scarecrow about loans that the Board, allegedly, can take on bail for our apartments, is untrue. The Charter of our AJOAH clearly states that all financial issues related to the activities of the AJOAH (including obtaining any loans) are exclusive to the competence of the general meeting with a written vote. In addition, the co-owners' apartments are not the property of the AJOAH, therefore they CAN NOT be used by the Board as a pledge.

DEBTS, which exist at the moment, among the owners of apartments before the "Ukrzhitloservis" to our AJOAH DO NOT TRANSFER, i.e. To recover these debts or not, only Mr. Przlo NM decides.

DEBTS of apartment owners before Kyivenergo, Vodokanal, Kyivgaz, Euro-reconstruction are also their personal debts to these organizations and are resolved only on an individual basis on the basis of signed agreements with these organizations.

Each owner has the right to manage his property at his own discretion and have his own opinion on the creation of a condominium in our home. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine, the opinion of each co-owner was taken into account in carrying out a roll-call vote on each issue that was considered by our general meetings. The results of such voting are reflected in the minutes of the general meetings of the AJOAH and, in accordance with them, a condominium has been created in our house, a Board has been elected, a tariff has been approved, which will be valid after the Ukrzhitloservis DP gives us the full documentation and equipment In complete set and in good condition, therefore, the Board expresses its gratitude to the majority of the owners of our house who supported and supports the creation of the "Florencii 5" AJOAH and renders the feasible assistance and support of the Rights In his work and understands that anonymous lampoons are a provocation, those forces that do not benefit from order in our house.

And those owners, who are lied to the AJOAH in doubt, the Board asks for all questions to contact by phone. 066-245-48-61 daily from 9:00 to 18:00 or omit your questions (with the apartment number and name of the Owner) in the mailboxes of the AJOAH that hang in both entrances. Anonymous notes will not be considered.

Sincerely, Board of AJOAH "Florencii 5"

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