ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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Dear residents!

The start of the heating season 2020-2021 has begun! Not without freaks, LLC "Euro-Reconstruction"!

According to the comments of the co-owners, the first week of heating was not entirely successful. For objectivity's sake, the heating system of our house had drawbacks – the presence of air in the main routes, which cannot be bleed from the heating system at once.

Such air was formed due to the repair work in apartments 1 and 2 in the ceremonial summer of this year – the heating batteries were being replaced.

What are the problems when there is air in the heating system - there is a blockage of the water pipe and warm water (including in the apartment batteries) does not circulate in the heating system properly, the heating process through the riser stops, and the general circulation of heat in the heating system of the house slows down.

At the beginning of the heating, the air in our house was bleed three times a day, and now the equipment of our ITP is operating normally. The presence of a certified separate heat meter will ensure a fair price for heating in our payments.

Now, according to the manipulations of the monopolist – the heat supplier, Euro-Reconstruction LLC.

We have repeatedly highlighted such antics on our website, about twenty articles on this topic over the past two years! This time we also draw your attention to this!

For the normal functioning of the home heating system, the heat supplier Euro-Reconstruction LLC must, at a minimum, comply with the KSCA's instructions on the coolant pressure and temperature in accordance with the approved schedule for the dependence of such indicators on the ambient temperature. Contrary to these standards, Euro-Reconstruction LLC supplies the coolant to our house with the parameters at its discretion, but for some reason all such indicators are not in our favor. The person involved in the crime himself knows about such cases, and the "controlling" body – the Kyiv City State Administration with the head of this area of ​​work in the Administration, Mr. Panteleev Petro Oleksiyovych (we mentioned this figure earlier by this link), who approves and controls the implementation of the temperature schedule by the heat supplier, which, in turn, had in mind the instructions of Mr. Panteleev Petro Oleksiyovych. The circle is closed, draw conclusions.

So, during the heating season this year, the coolant pressure did not exceed 5.5 Atm (at a rate of at least 6 Atm), and the coolant temperature did not rise above 58 °C (at a rate of at least 65 °C).

Over the past heating period, the AJOAH has already been vaccinated against the unlawful actions of the monopolist, therefore, every month in this heating season, the AJOAH board will collect and publish data on the main characteristics of the coolant and data on the temperature schedule. In case of violations, we will send collective complaints to the head of the Kyiv City State Administration, responsible for utilities, Mr. Petro Oleksiyovych Panteleev, and directly to the commander of Euro-Reconstruction LLC, Mr. Vyacheslav Volodymyrovych Selivanov, to eliminate deficiencies or recalculate for the provided low-quality services.

To all the persons involved in this article ardent greetings from the inhabitants of our house!

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