- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 1595
Dear co-owners!
In order to provide the personnel of the AJOAH with the norms of wet cleaning of common premises on the floors of our house, we ask you to provide keys to the Chairman of the Board of AJOAH "Florencii 5" from the floor of the owner's premises before 12.05.2018.
In the absence of keys in the AJOAH, the lost access to such premises will be restored from 13.05.2018 by dismantling the locks.
Thank you for understanding,
Board of AJOAH "Florencii 5"
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 1668
Attention for car owners!
In connection with the fact that cases of vandalism and thefts from cars in parking lots of AJOAH have become more frequent the Board turns to car owners with a request
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 1784
May Day in 2018
Bad news for the night from 30.04 to 1.05.2018 for two cars in the parking lot near our house committed an attack. The windows are smashed from the passenger side, where there is a "glove compartment". Apparently the owners of cars will have missing items, perhaps valuable...
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 1601
We remind you of the elementary rules of using an elevator!
This week in the second porch of our house there was almost a disaster – a baby carriage was clamped on the elevator doors. Fortunately, no one was hurt!
- Written by: ОСББ "Флоренції 5"
- Category: News
- Hits: 1628
Dear co-owners and residents of our house!
Winter is coming to an end, and the heating season for 2017 is also coming to an end. According to forecasts of weather forecasters, a significant cooling is expected and this can help in checking possible problems in the heating system of our house, which can be diagnosed independently.