ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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Official telegram channel

The official telegram channel for conveniently informing co-owners and residents of our building about events in Florencii 5, decisions of city administrations, institutions and business entities that affect the life of our condominium - each of us.

Other useful information for our owners and residents will also be posted.


Dear residents!

We bring to your attention information in case of full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation.

UPDATED 18.02.2022: The Kyiv City State Administration has developed a memo, it is possible to get acquainted in full on this link, or below:

There is also useful and informative information in the brochure on this link, or below:

Our house, including basements and remote premises of the old heating plant, are not suitable for protection against air strikes, bombs, etc. 

Shelter for the population in Kyiv according to the Kyiv City State Administration:


Nearest addresses for shelter: Kyiv, st. Tumanyan Hovhannes, 2 (Lyceum № 208, tel. 516-65-30), Kyiv, st. Plekhanova, 2 (School № 125 tel. 517-34-36), Kyiv, st. Okipna Raisa, 9 (Residential building ZhBK, tel. 517-22-47).

Information on shelter of the population of Kyiv and the procedure for notification in case of emergencies of man-caused, natural and military nature:


In case of evacuation take with you:

Documents: own and movable and immovable property; all the money; medicine; glasses; chargers for phones, flashlights, matches or lighters, a cup (preferably a metal mug), notebook, pen, water. If there is an animal, it is food for it.

Things: pre-determine the most necessary for 2-3 days, depending on the season.

List of phones in paper form of relatives and neighbors.

In case of a threat signal, it is necessary to remain calm, take a ready-made alarm bag, help children and less mobile family members and neighbors, of course! Provide unobstructed access to the elevator and to the floor, but walk (on the outside stairs), do not use the elevator! To go out.

Then go to the nearest addresses, see above.

For residents who have certain health problems and will not be able to walk 200-500 meters, we are invited to go down to our basements (right 50 m from the entrance to the 2nd entrance or at the entrance to the 24-hour house service) photo below:

Entrance to the basement:

Entrance to the premises of the house:

We emphasize once again that our basements are not bomb shelters, but they can provide some protection, we use all available premises.

Phone of the chairman of the board Savicheva Antonina Ivanovna - 066 245 48 61.

Please note that mobile communication may be disabled, so do not panic, go outside, the board will provide appropriate information.  

- We remember the coronavirus, we take with us protective masks.

- We keep calm and quiet.

- Follow the banal rules of etiquette;

- When you return to the apartment, be prepared that the apartment will be cold, all communications are blocked.

- If suddenly, you do not have time - stick to the capital / monolithic walls or enclosed spaces.

And most importantly - do not worry and do not panic. Everything will be Ukraine!


Board of AJOAH "Florencii 5"

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