ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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Official telegram channel

The official telegram channel for conveniently informing co-owners and residents of our building about events in Florencii 5, decisions of city administrations, institutions and business entities that affect the life of our condominium - each of us.

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on the holding of an urgent extraordinary general meeting of the condominium "Florencii 5"

Dear co-owners!

Association of co-owners of the apartment building "Florencii 5", 02002, Kyiv, str. Florencii, 5, announces the holding of an urgent extraordinary general meeting of co-owners of the building, which will be held on March 18, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. at the address of Kyiv, str. Florencii, 5, office 197 (entrance near the 2nd entrance of our building).

To participate in extraordinary general meetings, co-owners must have an identity document (passport) with them.

For representatives of the co-owner - a document confirming the authority of the representative, drawn up in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of Ukraine. For co-owners who received the right of ownership after January 22, 2020, in addition to a passport, you must have an extract from the state register with you.

The meeting will be held in accordance with the Statute of the "Florencii 5" condominium, the Law of Ukraine dated July 1, 2015 No. 417 "On the peculiarities of the exercise of ownership in an apartment building" and the decision of the board of the "Florencii 5" condominium consisting of: Vadym Mykhailovych Vyshnovetskyi, Oleksandr Viktorovych Dronov, D`yachkov Valery Ivanovych, Mina Yanina Vadimivna, Orlov Ihor Yosypovych, Savicheva Antonina Ivanivna, Smychenko Yury Anatoliyovych.

Draft agenda of the general meeting of co-owners:

1. Organizational issues of meetings.

2. Selection of the type and volume of works to be implemented in 2023.
Type of work: MAJOR REPAIR, TECHNICAL RE-EQUIPMENT OF FOUR ELEVATORS AND ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF CO-FINANCING. Defective certificates about the condition of the elevators and the cost of the work were provided by the company that serves us.

3. The method of determining the share of each co-owner of an apartment building in the financing of works.
Contributions (6.90 hryvnias per square meter of property), which we pay monthly for house maintenance, also include 0.24 kop. for major equipment repair. 

4. The method of accumulation of funds of co-owners of an apartment building for co-financing of works and the procedure for their transfer to the customer of works.

You can read the notice of urgent extraordinary meetings on the bulletin boards of the "Florencii 5" condominium, or

, or at this link.

Funds 106,576.00 UAH. or 5% of the total amount of repairs in the amount of UAH 2,519.90, these are the funds that we have accumulated and have in the account for capital repairs of our elevators. If we are wise and considerate and get 75% of the votes (from the total area of our building), KMDA will allocate UAH 2,024,943.90 or 95% from the city budget. Currently, the City Council is considering the possibility of holding this program. Given that you and I have big plans to insulate the house (preliminary fees) and modernize the elevators, in order to acquire the right to participate in the above program, our condominium must have UAH 106,576.00 in its account.
A request to all co-owners and persons conducting calculations to pay contributions in advance (two to three months) in order to accumulate the necessary amount for participation in the program.

We kindly ask you to actively participate in the emergency extraordinary general meeting - for our comfort and safety!

For information, from the Charter of the "Florencii 5" condominium:

Art. 6 All co-owners have the right to participate in general meetings. The interests of a co-owner who does not personally participate in meetings may be represented by his representative, who in this case has the right to vote on behalf of such co-owner. The authority of the representative must be confirmed by a notarized power of attorney or a power of attorney certified by the Chairman of the Board of the Association


Board of AJOAH "Florencii 5"

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