ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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Official telegram channel

The official telegram channel for conveniently informing co-owners and residents of our building about events in Florencii 5, decisions of city administrations, institutions and business entities that affect the life of our condominium - each of us.

Other useful information for our owners and residents will also be posted.


On our website, the topic of providing low-quality services from Euro-Reconstruction LLC is not new, but, unfortunately, there are no changes for the better.

Можно почитать о схеме обкрадывания потребителей горе-поставщиком тепла в статье, которую ранее публиковали по ссылке Обкрадывания жителей массива ООО "Евро-Реконструкция".

You can read about the consumer robbery scheme by a grief-heat supplier in an article that was previously published by the link Stealing from the inhabitants of the array Euro-Reconstruction LLC.

As of now, starting from August 8, 2019, Euro-Reconstruction LLC has been supplying hot water in the supply pipe of inadequate quality with an average temperature of +51 °C (norm no lower than 65 °C) and low pressure 3,0 atmosphere (norm is not lower than 6.0 atmosphere).

In case of such violations, Euro-Reconstruction LLC will heat up our heating center to hot water for supplying residents with apartments with a temperature of no higher than 42 °C when leaving the heating station.

Recall again, residents can protect their rights as follows:

1. Each resident has the right to contact the Euro-Reconstruction LLC hot water service provider in writing and invite their inspector to the apartment to draw up an Inconsistency in the quality of the service with the subsequent requirement to bring the hot water temperature regime to sanitary standards and request a recalculation in the receipts 2019 for the inadequate quality of hot water from LLC Euro-Reconstruction.

2. It is appropriate to call the telephone hot line 15-51 at the KMDA (KMDA must monitor the suppliers of hot water and heating for compliance with the temperature schedule approved by the deputy mayor Panteleev P.O.) and register your complaint with Euro-Reconstruction LLC for improper quality of hot water supplied to you by Euro-Reconstruction LLC.

We also note that Euro-Reconstruction LLC would not have had abuses and excess profits if the officials controlling the Kyiv City State Administration performed their functions in accordance with the Law and conscience, for the benefit of the Kyiv city community!

Our Eduard, Sergiy, use your knowledge and aspiration for the benefit of society, help restore order with the monopolist, and not to fight with your own neighbors, although this article will be devoted to ...

To be continued, follow.

On behalf of the residents of the house,

Board AJOAH "Florencii 5"


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