ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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The results of the survey on the work of AJOAH for 2018

The Board of AJOAH allowed anonymously assessing the work of the AJOAH for 2018 in areas of work and making suggestions for its improvement.

This will allow you to adjust the work plans for the future, to determine priorities in the work of the condominiums, taking into account your requirements.

The Board thanks every comment and suggestion!

The proposals submitted to the board are published in the table in the original language without stylistic and spelling editing:

# Direction of work Suggestions/comments Comment AJOAH
1 Cleaning of entrances and adjoining areas Есть претензии,касающиеся работы дворника. In our opinion, the problem of taking a “quality” janitor lies in the plane of providing adequate wages. Unfortunately, our tariff allows you to take the janitor to the minimum RFP. For reference, the janitors for 2018 changed 5 times and all for poor quality work and absenteeism.
2 Cleaning of entrances and adjoining areas При возможности - другие работники See #1. 
3 Removal of rubbish Мусороприемники на этажах заваренны незаконно. Нарушен Закон Украины и санитарные нормы. В квартирах не установлены утилизаторы. Жильцы против заваривания мусоропровода.

The vast majority of co-owners of canning conservation canisters. See the survey on the site. Also changed the state regulations on the use of waste bins in high-rise buildings.

The brewing of waste bins was made of emergency reasons, about being held urgent general meeting.

4 Removal of rubbish Решать проблему с ликвидацией мусоропровода и установ.уличн.контейнеров для раздельного сбора мусора The board supports the sorting and separate collection of garbage, but at present the company-hauler cannot technically provide this.
5 Construction of the adjoining territory Пару цікавинок для дітей.


The board supports and organizes the territory for children. Unfortunately, after receiving the house in the management of AJOAH, the urgent critical for ensuring the vital activity of the house should be solved - HH, roof, elevators.
6 Activity of the Board of AJOAH Нарушаются законные интересы собственников. Тарифы не отвечают качеству. Suggest what do you think should be removed from work to reduce tariffs? You can join the work for free, as the board does. 
7 Activity of the Board of AJOAH Вопрос с утеплением дома. This question will be submitted to the general meeting on the results of work in 2018. 
8 Activities of the Head of AJOAH

Сил и терпения.


Thanks for the support!
9 Общие предложения

Подумати щодо охорони будинку та території.


A sensible proposal, the board also supports it, but now apparently not by the time, there are critically dissatisfied with tariffs, development in this direction is now impossible.

Average estimates of work of AJOAH in directions:

# Direction of work Average rating (2 to 5)
1 Cleaning of entrances and adjoining areas 2,67
2 Removal of rubbish 3,33
3 Construction of the adjoining territory 3,17
4 Hot water/heating 3,00
5 Informing 3,67
6 Activity of the Board of AJOAH 3,17
7 Activities of the Head of AJOAH 3,33

Sincerely yours,

Board AJOAH "Florencii 5"

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