ОСББ «Флоренції 5», ЄДРПОУ: 41099140, IBAN: UA833052990000026006036207733

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Official telegram channel

The official telegram channel for conveniently informing co-owners and residents of our building about events in Florencii 5, decisions of city administrations, institutions and business entities that affect the life of our condominium - each of us.

Other useful information for our owners and residents will also be posted.


Registration for co-owners of the house number 5 Florencii street of Kyiv

At the request of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data" and international legislation on the GDPR for access of co-owners to closed sections of the site with sensitive information about the life of the AJOAH, it is necessary to use authorized access. Such access is granted through registration.

With this form you can apply for registration (Application), which will be considered by the AJOAH in accordance with the registration rules (see below)

This field is required!

Enter your name and surname

This field is required and must be unique in the system!

Enter your login

The field is required for filling and its contents must be correct!

Enter the number of your apartment that will generate the full address:
Kyiv, Florencii st., 5, apartment ...

This field is required and must be unique in the system!

Enter your e-mail address

The content of the field must be correct!

To verify, enter your e-mail address again.

The contents of the field must be correct! For example: +380 (44) 517-1234!

To contact you, you must provide your phone number with a template, for example: +380 (44) 517-1234

Field is required to fill or does not meet safety criteria!

Enter your password, it must be at least 6 characters long, have at least 1 number and 1 large letter

Required field, the content of the field must be correct!

To verify, enter your password again

Поле обов'язкове для заповнення!

Registration Rules. 1. Registration allows the user to receive additional information from the official site of the AJOAH, which is unavailable for an unregistered user. 2. The application for registration can be submitted by the co-owner of the house number 5 on the street. Florence in Kiev or his representative. 3. The application is considered and moderated by the AJOAH, as a rule, the processing time is one working day. 4. The application can be closed with the status of "Registered" or "Refused in registration". 5. The reasons for closing the Application with the status "Denied registration" are not provided. 6. To refuse registration of the co-owner is possible only if any required field for filling in the registration form is not filled in or if the entered data is not valid or not correct. 7. Registration assumes the user's consent to automatically receive service information letters, which are sent by the website to the user's email address. Such letters may only have a link to the content (not advertising) of this site and are sent no more than once a month.

Required field!

1. I understand the purpose* of collecting and processing my personal data, which I entered on this form. 2. I agree to the collection and processing of my personal data that I entered on this form. 3. I agree that the Administration of the site is not responsible for any possible misuse by third parties of my personal data, which I entered on this form. The site and the personnel serving it make every effort to preserve, use legally but not curvy your personal data, however the misuse of your personal data is possible due to errors in site software, viruses or other malicious programs. 4. I agree that for the cancellation of registration and the destruction of all my personal data from this site, I need to initiate an appropriate request (through the "Write to us" service), which will be worked out within one working day. _______________ * The purpose of collecting and processing my personal data: 1. To ensure access to the site materials from a special section, in accordance with the Rules for the provision of such access, it is necessary to identify you as co-owner of the house number 5 on Florencii street in Kyiv. 2. For identification, you need the following personal information: Your name and surname, apartment number. Information about your phone number and e-mail address is needed to contact you for identification purposes, as well as further to resolve possible issues for the AJOAH. 3. Such data as Login and Password are necessary for the technical implementation of a personalized login to the site and access to materials from a special section. In this case, the password is entered personally by you independently and no one except you can reproduce it. The password in the system is stored in an encrypted form using modern algorithms.

Required field!

Check the box "I am not a robot" and wait for the green check mark, after that you can send the Application by clicking the button below

Registration can not be made without consent to the conditions of registration and processing of personal data, carefully read the terms of the terms and, if agreed, tick the appropriate boxes

* - required field